Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice

I think I've changed my design every time I sit down to look at it.  But that is a good thing, just gotta stick with one.
Thank you Rach for giving me inspiration. . . very helpful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1 Month, 5 Pieces.

Deadline for the first project was this morning.  Tonight, I start my second.  This one is a production line and we have to create (at least) 5 of the same piece.  I'm pretty excited about this one and I've got some good ideas brewing.

My theme is rodents, here are my reference images.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

All Done, Let's Relax

I finished my armadillo brooch today, critique is tomorrow, so tonight, I thought I would sit back and relax in my most favorite of recliners, the dusty brown one in the lounge of the ceramics studio.

This is what I found:

R.I.P. broken, lump chair.

In any event, this is my project, it has no title yet: