Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Son of a Pitch!

Started chasing my project tonight, finally! Got my pitch bowl ready, tools are done, metal is cut.  It feels good, tools seem to be working well, all is right with the world...and I can make lots of pitch jokes so I'm happy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Let's Get Serious.

This week marks a month into school.  Uh oh. Time flies! I've been brainstorming new ideas for the chasing and repousee project these past few weeks, but only as a pendant.  Tonight I broke down, stopped being stubborn and found a pretty awesome design for a brooch.  The size is more managable and, hey, it's more of a narrative this way.  Long live the armadillo!

...They're a lot smaller than I thought.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gettin' Started!

Well hello!
Finally got my blog going for Jewelry Junior studio! How exciting is that?
Spending the day making my tools for chasing and repousee.  Also, I need to figure out how to make my armadillo into a narrative, hmmm...