Saturday, February 11, 2012


This week flew by! C2D had a visiting artist in from California Monday and Tuesday and he is the man!!! While he was here I slacked off on everything that wasn't ceramics.  But, now that he's left, I'm more motivated than ever to get some work done.  
I hope all ya'll jump at the chance to see other artists lectures and demonstrations because it is pretty incredible to see someone else construct and problem solve right in front of you.
Now, back to melting chain links.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chain Making

Do you understand how much this creeps me out?

So much.

Alligator feet are the inspiration for my chain project.
I am making a belt piece, where the claws wrap around the torso.  Eeeek!
There will be a hidden key clasp in the front where two claws will come together and the feet are going to be made out of woven wire.  Basket weaving isn't my best skill, but hey, who doesn't like a challenge sometimes?